Energy Savings Ideas for Lawrenceburg Residential Customers

It is always a great idea to conserve and reduce energy consumption and energy cost to help us improve and sustain a healthy environment.  We here at the City of Lawrenceburg Utility Department

encourage our customers to conserve energy.  Below are some helpful tips on how to reduce your monthly energy consumption and energy cost during the cold weather season:

1.       National standards recommend setting your thermostat at 70 degrees, or lower during the winter months

2.       Install programmable thermostat(s) to reduce thermostat temperatures when you are sleeping or away from the residence

3.       Make sure your HVAC vents are open

4.       Dress warmer so you feel comfortable with the temperature lower in your space

5.       Reduce hot water consumption as much as possible

6.       Don’t over dry your clothes.  A clothes dryer uses a lot of energy.

7.       Upgrade light bulbs to LED

8.       Turn lights on when you need the light; turn lights off when you don’t need the light

9.       Wash clothes in cold water when possible

10.     Weatherproof your home to prevent unwanted cold air from entering your home

11.     Clean or replace air filters in your HVAC on a regular basis

12.     Use natural light instead of light bulbs when possible

13.     Turn equipment off when it is not in use (computers, monitors, printers, bathroom fans, chargers, etc.)

14.     Heating your residence by using the oven is dangerous and a very expensive way to heat your home

15.     Avoid using portable heating devices, if you can

We can all make a difference in reducing our energy consumption and energy costs.  Thank you for doing your part in making our environment cleaner and safer.